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A city rich in artists, scholars and thinkers- a reputation enhanced by the Conservatorium of Artistic Endeavors; a prestigious institution dedicated to fine-tuning the talented to learn the intricacies of music, fashion, art and drama. It is a beautiful city, with majestic buildings, many parks and a welcoming community. This is a place for the wealthy and a popular tourist destination.
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The patron city of Poseidon, which serves as a busy harbour. Cargo ships are always about as well as fish markets. The merchant town contains one of the biggest ports and is primarily filled with markets and bazaars. There is a perpetually flowing fountain is present in the coastal city that is known to have very potent magical properties, however drinking from it is forbidden as it is a sacred artefact. Horse races are a common occurrence in Atlantis.


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Rogue 0 213 by Rogue
Mar 19, 2015 4:31:36 GMT

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Located primarily near the coastline where the River Ankh meets the sea, Hellas is a region of Lemuria dominated by demigods of Greek heritage. It has two major cities; Neo Athens and Atlantis. The culture and architecture have evolved over time, but still show major influences of Ancient Greece. It has lush and vibrant terrain with forests and lakes.
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